Translated Novel

This page shows all the novel that I am currently translating. You could also see the schedule for each novel and their current status.


(1) Cheat na Kaineko no Okage de Rakuraku Level Up
Cheat na Kaineko no Okage de Rakuraku Level Up


(2) Kuishinbo Elf
Kuishinbo Elf

(3) Juu Sai no Saikyou Madoushi
Juu Sai no Saikyou Madoushi


(3) I Work As A Healer In Another World’s Labyrinth City
(I have only translated chapter 11 so far – Currently does not have plans to pick this up yet unless someone want to sponsor me)
I Work As A Healer In Another World’s Labyrinth City Chapter 11

Disclaimer: I cannot guarantee that my translation is 100% accurate as my Japanese level in only at JLPT N4. I try my best to translate but there are some sentence which I do not understand and left it to my interpretation.